
森村智子 MORIMURA Chishi

Art Space 金魚空間(台北)代理藝術家 :  

森村 智子  MORIMURA Chishi IG: chishimorimura

1988年出生於日本東京,2009 年畢業於女子美術大學短期大學部。森村智子畢業前就喜歡漂流木,撿來之後用作房間裝飾。但2010年起把於東京荒川或水庫上游等地撿到的漂流木當作是一種畫布,用胡粉(蛤蜊殻粉)、棉紗布和壓克力顏料在上面描繪少女的故事。森村智子根據木頭原本形態進行創作,表現人類與自然間的聯繫。

Morimura began collecting driftwood out of interest before 2009, primarily for the purposing of using it to decorate her residence. Starting in 2010, the artist probed further into the upstream of Tokyo’s water bodies to collect driftwood as the medium of her compositions. Along with the use of claim shell powder, cheesecloth and acrylic, Morimura’s works gracefully exhibits the virtuous imaginations of female adolescence. 


