SM聖域 22.jpg

林和輝 HAYASHI Kazuki

Art Space 金魚空間(台北)代理藝術家 :  

林 和輝  Kazuki HAYASHI  はやし かずき

b. 1993年 日本新潟縣長岡市  Nagaoka city, Niigata prefecture, Japan


I have always drawn imagined architecture. I can't forget the excitement when I saw the fictional worlds of Ghibli Studio’s movies, anime and manga as a child. Especially, the architectural backgrounds that formed the landscapes of these worlds. Not to mention the characters in them; furthermore, if the architecture that builds up the world changes depends on the productions, then the landscape of the world would change as well. I also want to create my own imagined world. Instead of impressing the viewers, I would rather have them appreciate my works quietly, and while they contemplate on my imagined landscapes, perhaps they can look into my world.


